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Öffentliche Anhörung beim Interamerikanischen Gerichtshof
Rodolfo Montiel and Teodoro Cabrera
News vom 23.08.2010 |
Rodolfo Montiel und Teodoro Cabreara, die zwei Umweltaktivisten aus Guerrero, waren die zwei Jahre lang grundlos inhaftiert und wurden während der Amtszeit von Vicente Fox freigelassen, aber nicht freigesprochen, geschweige denn, dass jene zur Rechenschaft gezogen wurden, die für das ihnen angetane Unrecht verantwortlich sind. Außerdem war es den beiden bislang nicht möglich, nach Guerrero zurück zu kehren.
In dieser Woche wird zu diesem exemplarischen Fall vor dem Interamerikanischen Gerichtshof eine öffentliche Anhörung stattfinden. Weitere Details (leider nur auf Englisch) in der beigefügten Mitteilung des Menschenrechtszentrums »Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez« A.C. (Centro Prodh).
Dear Colleagues:
I write to share with you a press release that gives a preview of what will occur during the public hearing in the case of the environmental defenders Rodolfo Montiel and Teodoro Cabrera in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights next Thursday and Friday (August 26th and 27th).
As you will recall, Montiel and Cabrera were active participants in an organization of campesino ecologists in Guerrero state in the late 1990s and were arbitrarily arrested and tortured by the Mexican army in retaliation for their success in halting excessive logging by a multinational company in the region. After more than two years of unjustified imprisonment the victims were released, but they have not been able to return to their home state of Guerrero, nor has justice been done for the violations committed against them. Their case is paradigmatic of the ongoing risks to environmental defenders in Mexico; the abuses committed by the military against community activists; and the use of torture to elicit false confessions from people detained by Mexico’s security forces.
On Center Prodh’s website, you will find a 30-minute documentary on the Ecologists case, as well as the report »Impunidad Militar a Juicio« (Military Impunity on Trial) and many other materials related to the case, most of them available in English as well as Spanish.
We wish to take this opportunity to thank the international community for your ongoing support in this paradigmatic case of human rights violations in Mexico, now to be heard by the Inter-American Court after more than ten years of the victims’ struggle for justice. We will inform you of the results of the hearing next week.
Centro de Derechos Humanos "Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez" A.C. (Centro Prodh)
Serapio Rendón No. 57-B, Colonia San Rafael,
Delegación Cuauhtemoc, 06470
México D.F.
Internacional (AT) centroprodh PUNKT org PUNKT mx
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